Camp Cleaning Crew

From Shehaqua Family Guidebook
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To keep the Camp Shehaqua functioning, we need a crew of people to clean and restock the bathrooms and help keep a high standard during the program.

Needed: 4 people, if we have a full camp and all 5 units are used

The cleaning member's assignments include:

  • Clean main bathroom/shower and bathrooms throughout camp once a day. Unclog any toilets.
  • Report any badly running faucet or clogged toilet that you can't fix to the camp director who can report the problem to the rangers.
  • Replenish paper towels, toilet paper, soap, and shampoo in all bathrooms. The bathroom and cleaning supplies are in the camp office.
  • Exchange any full garbage bag in a bathroom with a new one and place the full bag in the trailer near the bathroom at the back of the kitchen.

Here are the locations of all the 8 bathrooms and the 3 portable toilets:

  • The main bathroom/shower is located behind the camp office.
  • Each of the 5 units of cabins has 1 bathroom. Note: The bathroom for unit 1 is not much used, because it is a little away from the unit and most people in unit 1 use the closely located main bathroom instead.
  • There is a bathroom at the dining hall behind the kitchen.
  • The infirmary has a bathroom.
  • We rent 2 portable toilets that are placed between the kitchen and the infirmary and one in the sports field. They need to be cleaned and supplied.

The cleaning crew usually splits up the bathrooms among themselves. Sample for splitting up the bathrooms for a not completely full week:

  • 1 person: women's shower side, bathroom by kitchen
  • 1 person: men's shower side, portable toilets, infirmary
  • 1 person: 4 unit bathrooms (not unit 1 bathroom which is hardly ever used and many people are not even aware of)- this person would probably want to drive by car

Only for the shower house we need one person from each gender. All the other bathrooms are used by both genders, so it doesn't matter who cleans them.