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Subject:January 1 - Pot Luck Buffet
Date:Dec 28, 2011 - 9 am

To all New Year's Day attendees:

Please bring food to share for the Pot Luck Buffet.

Elke is providing Roast Chicken or Turkey and Mashed Potatoes for the main course with a Composed Salad or Small Salad Bar.

When you arrive, I will make a place-card label to let everyone know WHAT it is and who brought it.
Bring something you love to make, and are proud to share.

If possible, send me a quick email about what you intend to bring, to [email address redacted].


Philadelphia, Eastern PA and Delaware: warm dishes, side dishes, vegetable dishes.
NJ, NY, MD and any other area: cold dishes, salads, fruit salads
Everyone should additionally bring a drink or a dessert/snack

Blessings All,
Anne Cantrell

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