What's new this year:


  • We have new lower prices. Check them out!
  • Welcome Bruce Bonini as our new Executive Director!
  • Obviously, there's a new website this year. The login and registration is still the same, but we changed the look and the interface.
  • We now have the Live for Joy Forums, where you can help improve Camp and our website. You're welcome to register for an account there and contribute your comments and suggestions.
  • We've defined our rules/policies on visitors. Check out the Visitors section on the Policies page.
  • In order to prevent everyone else's fees from being higher, we are now asking for $10 a day to pay for food if you stay between weeks. We'll collect this at Camp.
  • Last year we experimented with a different songbook system. From now on, instead of giving each person his/her own songbook, we will 'stage' them, bringing them to the events where they'll be needed. And we'll give one songbook to each of the parents to take home. If you really want, you can buy one at cost (around $5) when you get to Camp.
  • We have changed some of the registration deadlines, so please stay up to date.
  • There's a new way to fill out the Medical Forms. Now, it's easier than ever!